How big a Chinese slowdown and what are the implications for EM - Webinar

Date: 22 Sep 2021

Understand the scope and implications of China's slowdown on emerging markets as we explore the impact on Brazil and South Africa.

To what extent is China’s slowdown ‘policy-induced’ and how much worse can it get? What is China’s vulnerability to a tightening of US monetary conditions now that so much portfolio capital has entered China? How might further declines in commodity prices affect Brazil and South Africa? And how will the political landscape in these two countries affect growth potential?

Join GlobalSource Partners' Analysts FAN Gang (China), Affonso Pastore (Brazil), and Iraj Abedian (South Africa) as they discuss these issues in an event moderated by David Lubin, managing director and head of emerging markets economics at Citi.

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Tagged with: Brazil Economics, China, South Africa and Global Source Partners