A Strong External Adjustment

BRAZIL ECONOMICS - Report 03 Nov 2015 by Affonso Pastore, Cristina Pinotti, Marcelo Gazzano and Caio Carbone

Unlike in many past crises faced by Brazil, the current one does not involve a balance of payments problem. Contrary to the several past episodes, Brazil now has a high level of international reserves and is experiencing a substantial decline in its current account deficit. In past crises, such as the one provoked by the speculative attack in 1998 that led to abandonment of the exchange rate peg, the depreciation was caused by stark capital flight. In contrast, the depreciation in 2015 is predominantly caused by the increased risk (measured by the rising quotations of Brazil’s CDS) associated with the worsening fiscal picture and unsustainable growth of the public debt. The origin is domestic and is not connected to the balance of payments.

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