Adriano Pires will be the new president of Petrobras, Minister of Education Milton Ribeiro stepped down, and Eduardo Leite has decided to remain in the PSDB
The Ministry of Mines and Energy has confirmed the appointment of Adriano Pires to the presidency of Petrobras. The company's Ordinary General Meeting will take place on April 13, which is when Adriano should assume his position as head of the state-owned company. In addition to the change at Petrobras, the Minister of Education, Milton Ribeiro, stepped down. Pressure from the evangelical caucus and from allies—believing the issue could nullify the positive effects on the president's popularity of the government's recently announced economic measures—led to the minister's departure. It is still too early to say whether Eduardo Leite will be able to beat João Doria in the race for the party’s candidacy, which should take place in July. But at the moment, Eduardo Leite has a clear advantage.
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