Politics: AMLO’s approval ratings firm even as voters grow more skeptical on key issues
In the latest GEA-ISA national poll of registered voters, President López Obrador's approval numbers rose 4 points to 54%, although that was exact same reading Felipe Calderón scored at the same point in his administration, 12 years earlier. A series of developments contributed to this recent firming of support for the job AMLO is doing, perhaps none as significant as public perceptions that the country’s economy and that of their own family finances are improving as economic expectations for the next six months brightened. The success to date of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign has helped buoy backing for the pandemic response. Official efforts to root out corruption remain the government’s most applauded policy area, and voters have an overwhelmingly positive view of the administration’s signature social programs.
But on all these fronts there remain signs of risk moving forward. Pluralities express awareness of how much national and family economies have worsened over the past year, the third wave of Covid-19 infections and related deaths (July-August) have left the public evenly divided over whether the pandemic was out of control, and half of the citizens not only believe the federal government’s policy of “hugs, not bullets” has made the country less safe but also that a change of security policy is needed. And despite the popularity of administration's denunciations of graft, 80% rejected administration claims that corruption has ceased to exist at the federal level, while more than three-quarters rejected the idea that AMLO has already fulfilled essentially all of his campaign promises.
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