An attempt to arrest Saakashvili amid blames in illegal party financing

UKRAINE - In Brief 05 Dec 2017 by Dmytro Boyarchuk

Today on Dec 5 the Security Bureau of Ukraine (SBU) made an attempt to arrest Mikheil Saakashvili, leader of opposition party Move of New Forces. Hundreds of supporters gathered near the place where Saakashvili resides and effectively recaptured Saakashvili from police and SBU. In parallel, the Chief Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko spoke at press-conference and reported that he has evidences that Mikheil Saakashvili was negotiating financing opportunities with Sergey Kurchenko, a businessman of Yanukovytch times, who is currently in the international wanted list for arranging criminal organization in Ukraine. All the events are unfolding after a March for Impeachment that Saakashvili organized on Dec 3 with few thousand people participating in it. How should we interpret all this mess? Firstly, Saakashvili still does not have real political support among Ukrainians. Recent polls give to his party 1.9% support among those who plan to vote. That meticulous attention of law enforcement bodies to effectively political outsider means that President Poroshenko personally is afraid of Saakashvili for some unknown reasons. Is there any chance that flow of scandals will revive rating of Saakashvili – I do not believe in this. Ukrainians are sarcastic on scandalous manner of the leader of Move of New Forces party. However, if aggression against Saakashvili continues it might significantly undermine Poroshenko support (now he leads in polls).

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