Armenia and Turkey negotiate normalization

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 17 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

On January 14 the former deadly foes met at Moscow. They have agreed to a further round of talks. The date and venue are not yet set. Both have said there are no preconditions. Russia was happy to host talks. Armenia is heavily reliant on Russian largesse. Russia does not want to see a diminution of its influence in the region. Armenia is aiming at full diplomatic relations with Turkey. The Armenian Genocide is an outstanding issue. Ankara vehemently denies such a genocide took place though it acknowledges many Armenian civilians were killed in the First World War. There has been trade between Armenia and Turkey since December 2021. Charter flights between the countries are due to commence in mid 2022.Ironically, Azerbaijan's decisive victory over Armenia has made normalization possible. The Azerbaijanis are closely related to the Turks.

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