Arthur Lira and Rodrigo Pacheco talk about the tax issue, President Jair Bolsonaro indirectly criticizes former President Lula, and the public servants' salary issue continues

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 03 Feb 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Lira recalled that the House voted on PL 2337/2021, which he believes has several merits, including achieving greater tax justice by revoking tax exemptions, instituting a tax on dividends, reducing the corporate tax, and updating the tax brackets for individuals including reducing or eliminating income tax for the poor. Rodrigo Pacheco spoke about the issue of tax simplification and reinforced that Congress is committed to advancing the proposals that are already under discussion, such as the special case of PEC 110. Bolsonaro stated that he will never “cancel the Labor Reform proposal approved by this Congress”, and that “labor rights will remain intact”, in reference to the PT proposal to repeal the measure that has been in force in Brazil since 2017. The National Union of Central Bank Employees confirmed that the group will organize a new strike next Wednesday, February 9.

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