Audacious Ukraine legislative reform package

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 08 Jul 2021 by Alex Teddy

In the first week of July the Ukrainian Parliament passed a bold series of laws. Some ethnic minorities are now classified as indigenous peoples of Ukraine. These include Tatars, Karaites and Krymchaks. This guarantees them language rights. Russians are not so classified much to Moscow's ire and chagrin. The City of Novhorodske will also return to its historic name of New York. This move is to distance the country from the Soviet era wherein the city was given the other name. A bill on medical marijuana has been proposed. The law on oligarchs is struggling to get through Parliament. One of the sticking points is who is designated an oligarch. The draft bill says that the National Security and Defense Council determines this. Cracking down on oligarchs is one of the IMF's and EU's demands as a condition for more loans. A Judicial Reform Bill has been passed but it requires the president's signature. He might veto it because he is dissatisfied with it.

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