Autocephaly of Ukrainian Church

UKRAINE - In Brief 16 Dec 2018 by Dmytro Boyarchuk

Yesterday, on December 15, gathering of Ukrainian clerics established independent Ukrainian Orthodox Church and elected a 39-year-old Metropolitan Epifaniy as the leader of the new church. That was a historical event, see for more details “Ukrainian church to receive Independence: Russia might escalate” and “Cash, just in time for elections”. This gathering was the last formality on the way to autocephaly of Ukrainian Church. Now Epifaniy will travel to Constantinople (Istanbul) in January to receive a special decree, a tomos, granting independence. This big event of clerical world will have large impact on secular life in Ukraine. The impact of church on political life is huge. Church is the second among the most reputable institutions after the Army. Many Ukrainians simply did not distinguish which church they visited, whether subordinated to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) or a Ukrainian. And Kremlin heavily used the Russian Orthodox Church as a propaganda channel in many political campaigns including the war in Eastern Donbas. Autocephaly of Ukrainian church created a ground to reduce impact of the ROC on Ukrainian political life. But it’s a long way to go. Religious confrontation is a good ground to escalate.

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