Belarus's Constitution to be altered in favor of Lukashenko

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 02 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

On December 27 draft amendments to the constitution were announced. These would copper-fasten the president's control over the country and permit him to remain en poste until 2035.President Lukashenko, 67, said that the changes will be the subject of a referendum in February 2022. Lukashenko was re-elected for the 6th time in 2020 in an election in which many say he cheated.The constitutional amendments would reduce the power of parliament. The role of the All-Belarus People's Assembly would be increased. It would be allowed to pass laws. It is said that the 1,200 seat assembly is a handpicked gathering of Lukashenko's fans. It would be able to pass laws and appoint judges and electoral officials. Clearly, Lukashenko is no longer confident that his supporters can win parliamentary elections.It is thought that Lukashenko wants to be elected chairman of the assembly.The amendment would grant Lukashenko immunity from prosecution. He would be able to serve 2 more terms of 5 years each as president. Therefore, he could hold office until the age of 81. The amendments ban anyone who has lived abroad since 2001 from being elected president. This rules out most opposition activists. The opposition sees Lukashenko's proposition for constitutional reform as a means for him to cling to office. Western sanctions and being sent to moral Coventry has made life difficult for him. However, there is no sense that he will fall immediately. Lukashenko has been en poste since 1994.

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