Bolsonaro criticized electronic voting machines at a meeting with ambassadors, the Novo party filed a lawsuit against the Social Benefits Constitutional Amendment, and Senator Simone Tebet suffered yet another setback

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 19 Jul 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Bolsonaro brought known arguments against the machines and said Ministers Edson Fachin, Alexandre de Moraes and Luis Roberto Barroso lack neutrality. Minister Fachin, as well as candidates for the presidency criticized President Jair Bolsonaro’s statements. The STF is in recess, and a date for a trial has not been scheduled in the lawsuit against the Social Benefits Constitutional Amendment. It is unlikely that there will be any unilateral decision regarding the amendment. In a meeting in São Paulo, senators and state presidents of the MDB from 11 states met with Lula to declare support for him in the first round of the election. The meeting was also attended by the MDB leader in the House, Isnaldo Bulhões, and in the Senate, Eduardo Braga.

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