Bolsonaro grants raise to public school teachers, Sérgio Moro discloses his earnings during his time working at Alvarez & Marsal, and Congress resumes activity next week

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 28 Jan 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

According to Law 11738/08, Article 5: “The national professional salary for public teachers of basic education will be updated annually in January, starting in 2009”. If the amount is not included in the budget, some changes will have to be made. This raise tends to increase the pressure from other public servants for salary raises – including in other branches. Moro’s earnings are being investigated by the Federal Audit Court, and the PT caucus is considering creating a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPI) on a possible conflict of interest during the period when he worked at the American company. As Congress returns on February 2, a Wednesday, and there should only be a deliberative session on Thursday, no significant votes are expected. But important matters will be discussed.

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