Bolsonaro honors Guedes, but noise persists in the government

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 02 Oct 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Despite the differences that arose this week​ between the political and economic groups in the government, the Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes remains prestigious in Brasília (DF). Today, Bolsonaro once again praised the Minister of the Economy by minimizing last week’s conflict between Guedes and the President of the Lower House, Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), over Tax Reform. Speaking to supporters in front of the Alvorada Palace, the president said that disagreements are natural and that it is normal for authorities to have different opinions on the same subject.

By honoring Paulo Guedes and minimizing his conflicts with Rodrigo Maia, Jair Bolsonaro is sending a positive message after a busy week, mainly due to the negative reaction of economic agents involving the government’s initial proposal to finance the Renda Cidadã program with court order payments.

Given the posture adopted by Bolsonaro on Friday, the signs are that the divergences between the political and economic wings of the government continue. However, even though some see signs that Paulo Guedes is weakening due to the conflicts, this is not what is happening; after all, Bolsonaro continues to honor the minister and stresses that it is up to him to conduct economic policy.

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