Bolsonaro sanctioned the national nursing salary floor, the government’s social aid programs are scheduled to begin, and Tuesday is the deadline for Bolsonaro to sanction the LDO

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 05 Aug 2022 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Regarding the national nursing salary floor, Bolsonaro vetoed a measure that provided for an annual update of the floor based on the National Consumer Price Index (INPC). Next week, the payment of social aid programs approved by the National Congress will begin. The government expects the payments to have a positive impact on Bolsonaro's popularity ratings, as well as his intended votes. Next Tuesday is the deadline for President Jair Bolsonaro to sanction the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO), approved by Congress in July. The budget rapporteur's amendments, classified as PR 9, were the most controversial points of the vote.

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