Fernando Haddad defends the fiscal anchor and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 08 Jul 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

This week, the president of the House, Arthur Lira, will try to facilitate the approval of the so-called "consumption reform" (Complementary Bill No. 68/24). In the Senate, the agenda continues to focus on payroll tax reduction. The priority for Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco is the bill that addresses the states' debt with the Federal Government.

This week's Talking Points:

* With a reduced agenda, government support in the House increases.

* The pre-recess legislative agenda.

* Amid clashes, Tax Reform advances.

 * Fernando Haddad defends the fiscal anchor.

* The PT uses São Paulo city hall to test Bolsonaro's strength.

 * Santa Catarina, a Bolsonarista stronghold.

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