Brazil Presidential Election

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 09 Jun 2014 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Dilma Continues Her Slide in Polls and Reinforces Polarization between the PT and PSDB On Friday, June 6, the Datafolha Institute released a new presidential voting intention poll, conducted June 3-5.The poll shows that President Dilma Rousseff (PT) is still in the lead but continues to lose ground (see table below).From February to June of this year, Dilma has lost 10 percentage points (44% to 34%).Compared to the May poll, she has lost 3 points (37% to 34%). As for her main adversaries (Senator Aécio Neves – PSDB, and former governor Eduardo Campos – PSB), they have not gained any ground ...

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