Brazil Presidential Election

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 17 Apr 2014 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Vox Populi shows a stable scenario On April 16, the Vox Populi Institute released a new voting intention poll, conducted April 6-8, for the presidential race.The poll reveals a stable scenario compared to February (see Table 1 below). According to the results, President Dilma Rousseff (PT), with 40% of intended votes, would win in the first round.Senator Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG) and former Governor Eduardo Campos (PSB-PE) have 16% and 8%, respectively.Pastor Everaldo (PSC), who did not appear in the previous poll now has 2%.The other pre-candidates (Randolfe Rodrigues, Levy Fidélix, Eymael and...

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