Brazil Presidential Election
- Report
28 Aug 2014
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
Marina expands lead over Aécio and would defeat Dilma in the 2nd round The most recent Ibope poll confirms that we are now faced with a new electoral reality.Former Senator Marina Silva (PSB) has surpassed Aécio Neves (PSDB) and is only 5 percentage points behind the president and reelection candidate, Dilma Rousseff (PT).In the 2nd round simulation, Marina would defeat Dilma with a 9-point lead (45% to 36%). Marina’s growth and the threat it represents for the PT and PSDB is not new to Arko Advice, as stated in our reports. Comparing Ibope’s numbers with last week’s Datafolha results, we s...
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