Bolsonaro leads, Ciro grows and TV makes its first impact on the race

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 06 Sep 2018 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The new Ibope presidential poll, the first after the interviews with presidential candidates on Jornal Nacional and the first after electoral ads began to air on radio and TV, shows the following:
1. Bolsonaro is firmly in first place, but shows that he is being affected by the negative campaign. This is reflected in his rejection rating, the highest of all candidates, and in second round simulations. He loses to Ciro, Marina and Alckmin.
2. Ciro Gomes showed surprising growth and tied with Marina Silva. Good performance against Bolsonaro in the runoff round.
3. Lula’s support still has not been transferred to Haddad.

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