The end of the CPIs favors the government and other weekly topics

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 18 Sep 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

President Lula will give the opening speech at the UN General Assembly in New York. On Thursday, September 21, the deadline for sanctioning the CARF project ends. In the Supreme Federal Court (STF), the justices resume adjudication of the demarcation of indigenous lands. The Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) will decide on the basic interest rate, and a further reduction is expected.

This week's Talking Points:

* The Ministerial Reform pleases new allies

Last week, the Ministers of Sports, André Fufuca (PP-MA), and of Ports and Airports, Sílvio Costa Filho (Republicanos-PE), took office. The inclusion of both parties in the government team is essential for the Executive Office to improve dialogue with the Legislature.

* The end of the CPIs favors the government

This week, the House will close three Parliamentary Committees of Inquiry (CPIs): the CPI on the Lojas Americanas, the sports betting and match-fixing CPI, and the CPI on the Landless Workers' Movement (MST). Next week, the Financial Pyramids CPI is expected to end. As a result, the House will not have any CPI in operation.

* New Tax Reform schedule

Last week, a new schedule for the Tax Reform Constitutional Amendment Proposal (PEC) was presented in the Senate. According to the calendar, there will be six public hearings between September 19 and October 3. The text is under analysis in the Senate Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) and will then go to the plenary.

* A new chapter for the PSDB

The decision of the judge of the 13th Civil Court of Brasília (DF), Thaís Araújo Correia, to remove the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite (PSDB), from the national presidency of the party represents another chapter of the internal division in the PSDB.

* Lula tries to minimize damage in Rio Grande do Sul

President Lula's (PT) decision not to visit Rio Grande do Sul during the heavy rains caused by the extratropical cyclone that hit the state causing 47 deaths to date, has been heavily criticized. Even though the Vice President, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), went to the state accompanied by ministers, the symbolic weight of Lula's presence was missing.

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