Brazilian President visits Russia
- In Brief
19 Feb 2022
by Alex Teddy
On February 16 Jair Bolsonaro visited Moscow and met Putin. The US lobbied hard for Bolsonaro not to visit Russia. Bolsonaro has been an outspoken admirer of Putin. The visit's timing is very welcome as it proves that Russia has friends far beyond its borders. However, the visit was planned months ago. Only 1% of Russia's foreign trade is with Brazil but nonetheless, Brazil is designated a strategic partner of Russia. Both countries are run by illiberal governments. Brazil is not hostile to the US. Brasilia cooperates with the US on military and other issues. Brazil is seeking a permanent place on the UN Security Council and is frustrated that the US does not support this. Russia and Brazil are also members of BRICS. Therefore the leaderships of the two countries know each other very well. Russia has considerable sway in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. These countries are all run by anti-US governments. Brazil supports Moscow's claim that a mulipolar world is needed as US mastery is unhealthy. Brazil and Russia both have close economic links with China. Brazil and Russia compete in aircraft manufacturing. Both price their products at the bottom end of the price bracket.
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