​Call for new Constitution: DoA

TURKEY - In Brief 03 Feb 2021 by Atilla Yesilada

Before I comment on President Erdogan’s call for a brand-new constitution, I’d like to update our audience about more immediate and possibly market-relevant events. Currently there is a stalemate between the government and Bosporus University students, who are protesting the appointment of a president who is not a member of the faculty (time-honored tradition at U of B), Mr. Melih Bulu.The police keeps arresting students, and they keep on protesting.I’m not going to over-speculate on a subject which falls more into the realm of mass psychology and sociology.However this one is beginning to smell like Gezi, as the general public is taking an interest, and sympathy marches are reported in several cities.This is only a HEADS-UP.I’m monitoring developments 24/7 not be blindsided, as I had before Gezi. Secondly, the “bad mutant virus”, possibly the UKor SAR strain is in Turkey, with daily cases jumping from 5K range towards 8K limit. The Health Ministry had reportedly sent test kits to major hospitals to check for the mutant variant.Just watch UK or Brazil as to what happens when these new variants hit the population. Regarding Erdogan’s call for a new constitution, wholeheartedly and unreservedly backed by AKP ally Bahceli, it is ironic that no-one is willing to spell out what its main pillars or content will be.The pro-government press is waxing enthusiastic about a liberal constitution redefining human rights and democratic norms. The dissidents claim it is just a ruse to grant Erdogan Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping style powers and aterm limitfor life. The good thing for me and our audience is that it doesn’t matter. AKP-MHP votes don’t even suffice to legislate a constit...

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