Celso Amorim will represent Brazil during the Venezuelan elections, MGI representatives will meet with the Sinagências to prevent a strike, and the STF will resume activity next week

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 26 Jul 2024 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Special Advisor for Foreign Policy, Celso Amorim, will be in Venezuela on Sunday as the Brazilian government's representative for the presidential elections to take place there on Sunday, July 28. Depending on what happens, the Brazilian government may need to make a strong statement. On Monday, July 29, representatives from the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (MGI) will meet with the National Union of Employees of the National Regulatory Agencies (Sinagências) to prevent a 48-hour strike scheduled for July 31 and August 1. On Thursday, August 1, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) resumes its activities. According to the Constitution, Congress would also resume its activities on August 1. But the informal recess will continue. This daily report will go on break next week and will return on August 5.

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