Central America. Costa Rica: Solis made a strong come from behind and will dispute April 6th runoff to Araya.

CENTRAL AMERICA - In Brief 03 Feb 2014 by Francisco de Paula Gutierrez

Central America. Costa Rica: Solis made a strong come from behind and will dispute April 6th runoff to Araya. With 86% of votes counted, Luis Guillermo Solís of the center-left Citizens´ Action Party (PAC) consolidated an impressive come from behind and led the presidential election with 30.95% of the votes, leaving Johnny Araya of the official National Liberation Party (PLN) in the second place (29.6%). They will dispute the April 6th runoff. José María Villalta, of the leftist Broad Front (FA), who was in a solid second place during most of the campaign, came in third place (17.1%), while Otto Guevara, of the center-right Libertarian Movement (ML), finished a distant fourth (11.2%). Costa Rican also voted for the new congress. According to partial results, the new chamber will be a fragmented one. PLN would have the largest group (16-18 seats out of 57), followed by PAC (14-15 seats). The Broad Front would sharply increase its presence in congress from one to nine members, whereas the Social Christian Party (PUSC), which in the presidential election just got 6.0% of the votes, is expected to have 8-9 seats. The big looser seems to be the Libertarian Movement, with just 3-4 seats. Final numbers could change, since some of the races are very tight. A fragmented Congress will require a lot of political negotiations in order to move new government´s agenda.

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