China and Russia close to a military alliance

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 25 Nov 2021 by Alex Teddy

On November 24 it was announced that Beijing and Moscow will enhance collaboration in patrolling the Asia-Pacific Region. The Russian Defense Minister complained about increasing US Air Force activity and presence on Russia's borders.On November 23 Defense Minister Shoigu said that he had agreed to deepen cooperation with his Chinese analogue. The two navies will conduct joint patrols in the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. Russia has a complex relationship with Japan due to Japan's seeking the retrocession of the Kuril Islands and the southern half of Sakhalin Island. As tensions rise over Ukraine, Moscow likes to demonstrate it is not friendless. Russia is the lynchpin of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). But the other CSTO nations are much smaller than Russia and lacking in sophisticated weaponry. CSTO countries such as Belarus are more of a liability than an asset.The US, UK and Australia formed a pact in October 2021 to stop Chinese expansion in the Far East. They are perturbed by China's building artificial islands in the South China Sea and constructing airbases thereupon. Further, China then claims the territorial waters. The US is anxious because China claims the Spratly Islands. The United States regards these islands as pertaining to its ally the Philippines. Russia and China have a cordial relationship dating back to the foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949. However, the relationship is more vexed than Moscow cares to admit. Chinese spies are often arrested in Russia and quietly expelled. Russia does not wish to sour relations with the Chinese nor does it wish to draw attention to the fact that the Chinese are more adve...

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