China bans some Russian seafood

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 03 Oct 2020 by Alex Teddy

On September 30 China forbade certain Russian seafoods claiming that coronavirus was found on the packaging. WHO says this is impossible. It is suspected that China is making a spurious claim as part of a trade war.60% of Russia's seafood exports go to China. 4 Russian companies are subject to restrictions now.China already warned Russia's phytosanitary authority. It is claimed two Chinese dockers contracted coronavirus after handling packets of Russian seafood.China would like to pay less for Russian seafood. Russia's pollock price is 20% down Y o Y. If the price remains this low then the industry will lose USD 100 million by January 2021.Russian fish exporters intend to test their packaging for coronavirus before sending products to China. Russia would like China to test the packaging on arrival.

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