China sets up observation station in Tajikistan

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 05 Jul 2023 by Alex Teddy

On June 16 Chinese media reported that the station is for climate and environmental monitoring. The Tajik media has not said anything about it, which indicates that the government does not want people to know about it. The station is thought to be part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The station is run partly by Lanzhou University. It is one of light, detection and ranging (Lidar) system stations along the BR. Lidar creates maps and helps self-driving vehicles to navigate. The station might also be used for surveillance and communications eavesdropping. As a weather station it will depend on balloons. But these can double as surveillance balloons. Lanzhou University is connected to the Chinese military. Tajikistan has already permanently ceded some land to China. It also hosts a Chinese military base. China is worried about its neighbor Tajikistan because it borders Afghanistan and might not be able to withstand the Taliban. China has partially funded Tajik border defenses. 

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