CNT/MDA shows significant popularity losses for Dilma

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 17 Aug 2013 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

On July 16, CNT/MDA released a poll on the Dilma Rousseff administration, taken from July 7-10.As with the previous Datafolha research, this poll showed a significant drop in Dilma’s approval rating, which fell from 54.2% to 31.1% (23.1 percentage points) compared to the previous poll, from June.Interviewees who consider the government’s performance “regular” increased from 35.6% to 38.7%, and negative evaluations increased from 9% to 28.5%. Despite most interviewees’ responding that government performance is “regular” (38.7%), which means there is space for the Planalto Palace to recover i...

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