Congress approves 2025 budget, Lula travels to Japan and Vietnam to boost trade and strategic partnerships, and STF is set to rule on Bolsonaro coup charges
The National Congress has finally approved the 2025 Annual Budget Law (LOA). The text is the substitute bill bySenator Ângelo Coronel (PSD-BA), the rapporteur of the matter. The budget allocates approximately R$ 50 billion in congressional amendments. This Saturday, President Lula will travel to Japan and Vietnam. He will be accompanied by several authorities, including the Speaker of the House, Hugo Motta (Republicanos-DF), and Senate President Davi Alcolumbre (União-AP). For the opposition, the coming week will be highly significant. On Tuesday, the First Panel of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) will assess whether to accept the charges filed by the Office of the Prosecutor General (PGR) against Bolsonaro and former ministers of his government regarding coup charges.
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