Congress is expected to review presidential vetoes this week, the fuels issue remains on the agenda, and two new polls on the presidential election are to be published
One of the vetoes that may be overturned is the one on the Budget. In all, the Bolsonaro government vetoed R$ 3.184 billion in expenditures approved by legislators. The rapporteur of the bill supports overturning this veto. Another veto refers to the bill that allowed the renegotiation of debts of micro and small companies and individual microentrepreneurs (MEI). The bill would make room for discounts and installments of R$ 50 billion in debts from the Simples program and MEI companies. New proposals are being submitted on the fuels issue. Senator Carlos Fávaro’s (PSD-MT) proposal, for example, allows for the reducing of taxes on fuel in 2022 and 2023, without tax compensation. Two new polls on the presidential election will be released this week. One is from from XP/Ipespe, which will be released on Thursday, and the other is from Genial/Quaest, which comes out on Friday.
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