The military gains space in the government

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 19 May 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

The interim Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, on May 19 appointed nine men with a military background to positions in the ministry, further expanding the influence of the Armed Forces in the Jair Bolsonaro government. Even though Pazuello is temporarily commanding the Ministry of Health, the military’s power has grown further under the Jair Bolsonaro government. There are now nine cabinet ministers linked to the Armed Forces. However, at the same time as they accumulate more power in the government, there are also greater challenges for the military. With Eduardo Pazuello now the interim responsible for the Ministry of Health amid the coronavirus pandemic until the definition of the new minister, eventual successes and weaknesses in the fight against COVID-19 will also be credited to the Armed Forces.

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