​Coup attempt almost dealt with

TURKEY - In Brief 15 Jul 2016 by Atilla Yesilada

Turkey came to the brink of a military coup on Friday night, but limited reporting on still on-the-air TV channels (two opposition ones are off the air) suggest the troops loyal to the government and police are about to deal with the rebels. Yet, it is not over. A few minutes ago I watched an F-16 jet drop 2 bombs near Erdogan’s brand-new palace in Ankara, casualties unknown. So far the First Army Crops controlling the Western regions of the country and the Chief Admiral of Navy have openly spoken up against the coup, but I haven’t heard from the Second, Third or the Forth Army Corps, while the bombing suggests that at least some elements in the Air Force are still cooperating with the rebels. The Bosporus Strait remains shut, though it is difficult to ascertain whether the order is being carried out by rogue elements in the Navy. There is scant information about the conditions outside Istanbul and Ankara but some TV channels suggest troops might be getting ready to leave their barracks and being blocked by citizens. The official dead toll is 60, with 130 military officials under detention. There is a rumor that 300-400 members of the High Courts having lent support to the coup attempt who will also be arrested soon. I may be going out on a limb here, but I speculate without support from the opposition, media or the citizenry the coup even if it continues, stands little chance of success. There is only a very minor possibility of a lasting rift in the Army, which would lead to prolonged stand-off and potential for civil war. The repercussions could be massive for Turkey, but first I need to find out who the organizers are. If as the government claims the coup was orche...

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