Debate on Renda Brasil causes disagreements in the government

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 26 Aug 2020 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

When participating in an event at Usiminas, in Minas Gerais (MG) today, President Jair Bolsonaro announced that the proposal for the Renda Brasil program, presented by the economic team, has been suspended. Bolsonaro is said to be dissatisfied with a value of Renda Brasil below R$ 300. There is also disagreement as to the end of the salary bonus.

The disagreements with the economic team over the value of the Renda Brasil program, as well as the source of funds to finance it, is yet another chapter in the dispute between the political and economic wings of the government. As Bolsonaro’s popularity has grown with the beneficiaries of emergency aid, who are mostly the low-income population and who are also beneficiaries of social programs such as the salary bonus, for example, he has tended to resist interfering in the government programs that benefit this group. The economic team, in turn, is concerned about demonstrating, especially to the financial sector, that its commitment to fiscal austerity will not be left aside.

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