Dep. Arthur Maia submitted his report on the Administrative Reform proposal, the Special Committee on the court-ordered payments PEC was installed, and the Electoral Reform proposal was approved in the Senate

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 23 Sep 2021 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Deputy Maia included all three branches of government in his report. Voting on the text may be concluded today in the Special Committee, and the text will then go to the House for further analysis in the coming days. Deputy Diego Andrade (PSD-MG) was elected president of the Special Committee on the court-ordered payments PEC, and the rapporteur will be Deputy Hugo Motta (Republicanos-PB). Following its approval in the Senate, the Electoral Reform proposal (PEC 28/2021) will now be promulgated. The text included a measure that encourages black candidates. Today, the Federal Revenue Service will publish the tax collection results for August, and the President will hold his weekly live stream at 7 p.m.

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