Dilma Reelected and Second Term Begins with Political Reform

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 27 Oct 2014 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

16 years in power Dilma Rousseff was reelected to a second term with the support of 54,501,118 voters (51.64% of valid votes), handing Aécio Neves’ (51,041,155, 48.36%) PSDB its fourth consecutive defeat.This is the PT’s slimmest margin of victory over the PSDB. When Dilma leaves office in four years, the PT will have remained in power for 16 years, the second largest period in history for a democratic regime. This is second only to the US Democratic party, with five terms, or 20 years in the White House (until 1953).Dilma’s reelection represents an important mark.For the first time in the ...

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