Economy Ticking; Politics, Not So Much

COLOMBIA - Report 14 Apr 2014 by Veronica Navas and Andrés Escobar Arango

Executive SummaryGDP sped up in 2013, to 4.3% from 4% in 2012. Construction, lifted by a government-supported low-income housing program, expanded 9.8%. Agriculture also did well, up 5.2%. Despite mining’s notorious slowdown, it’s still one of the fastest-growing sectors, up 4.9% last year, mainly due to greater oil production. Commerce also grew faster. Together, mining, construction and commerce accounted for 2.15 pp of Q4 growth.But manufacturing continues to disappoint, down -1.2% for the year. This is the only sector on negative ground -- worrisome, as that has been the case for two ye...

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