Education Minister appointment still pending
After a strong reaction from the so-called "ideological wing", President Jair Bolsonaro´s intention to appoint the state secretary of Paraná, Renato Feder, to the Ministry of Education was rendered unfeasible. Last night, after becoming the target of attacks on social media, Feder thanked Bolsonaro for his invitation and declined the appointment.
The dispute for the ministry continues. The military wants a more pragmatic person, one who has transit with Congress. However, the control of the ministry is very dear to the ideological wing, since it considers the Ministry of Education to be fundamental within the concept of the so-called “cultural war”.
The dissatisfaction of some of the center parties also weighed in favor of Renato Feder´s withdrawal. Although Feder is linked to the PSD, the party of the governor of Paraná, Ratinho Júnior, parties such as PP, PL, Republicans, etc., argued that the PSD had already been awarded the Ministry of Communications, which was handed to Fábio Faria (PSD-RN).
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