Election Monitor V: The national elections - The birth pangs and excitement of a “True Democratic Election” process

SOUTH AFRICA - Report 17 Jun 2024 by Iraj Abedian

On June 14, South Africa witnessed the excitement, the anxieties and the uncertainties inherent in a national election in which the results have no outright winner. For thirty years, the national elections were fair and transparent, yet the results were largely predictable, and the inauguration of parliament and the swearing in of the new administration were, by and large, ceremonial.

In contrast, the inauguration of Parliament and the vote for the Speaker of the Parliament took nearly 9 hours. Nothing was a forgone conclusion, and despite announcements by the ANC and the DA that they had agreed on co-governance, there was, nonetheless, uncertainty as to whether or not the MPs would toe the party lines given that the voting was by written secret vote.

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