Eleven edits to the Court-ordered payments PEC need to be analyzed, the PDT will meet to discuss its position regarding the PEC, and the Senate’s CAE should vote on the privatization of the Correios tomorrow
In order for the first round of voting on the Court-ordered payments PEC to be concluded, 11 edits must be analyzed – four of which are critical. The PDT caucus in the House will meet today to discuss the party’s position on the PEC. After criticizing the fact that 15 out of the party’s 24 deputies voted in favor of the PEC, Ciro Gomes said that he put his presidential candidacy on hold. Also, Minister Rosa Weber’s decision to suspend the rapporteur's amendments and ask for transparency in the resources that have been used so far may pose an issue in the vote on the proposal. If the bill on the privatization of the Correios is approved without changes in relation to the text of the House, it will be sent to President Jair Bolsonaro for approval.
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