Emergency aid payments may have to be extended, Sen. Tasso Jereissati may announce his withdrawal from the PSDB primaries, and the PSL and the DEM should meet to discuss their merger
- Report
28 Sep 2021
by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha
The Auxílio Brasil program is scheduled to replace the emergency aid payments in November but this depends on a solution to the court-ordered payments issue and the approval of the income tax bill. Senator Tasso Jereissati of the PSDB is expected to announce his support for the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite. According to the president of the DEM, the goal is for the new merged party with the PSL to have a presidential candidate. Congress overturned some of President Jair Bolsonaro's vetoes, including the ban on evictions and party federations.
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