Erdogan in Ukraine
- In Brief
04 Feb 2022
by Alex Teddy
On February 3 the Turkish President visited Kyiv. He offered to mediate between Russia and Ukraine. Turkey has cordial relations with both nations. Despite being a NATO member, Turkey cannot be relied upon to take the side of other NATO countries with regard to Ukraine. Ukraine is not a NATO member but aspires to be. Erdogan suggested hosting a Russia-Ukraine summit.Erdogan and Zelensky signed trade deals worth USD 10 billion 2027. It is USD 7 billion per annum now. Turkey will set up more consulates in Ukraine and give permission for Ukraine to make Turkish drones. These drones were used to great effect by Azerbaijan and Armenia in 2019. But Azerbaijan won by outnumbering Armenia 3:1 and not just due to drones.Ukraine is more relaxed about its relationship with Russia. Two months of war talk have not led to a war. Kyiv even said Russia does not have enough troops on the border to invade even if Moscow wants to. On February 3 the French President spoke to Putin and Zelensky separately. He is seeking to cool the situation. Meanwhile the EU said it has sanctions ready if there is a war. This would include a ban on certain tech sales to Russia. On February 3 Russia announced the troops it is sending to Belarus are under 13,000 in number but did not say exactly how many. If there were over 13,000, Russia would be obliged by treaty to invite OSCE inspectors. NATO says Russia has sent fighter jets, air defense systems and missiles systems to Belarus.
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