EU provides defense equipment to Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 04 Dec 2021 by Alex Teddy

On December 2 it was announced that the EU will strengthen the defense capacities of these three Eastern European nations. This comes under the European Peace Facility scheme. No weapons will be provided.Georgia will receive USD 14 million worth of equipment. This is mostly medical and engineering equipment as well as unarmed vehicles. Moldova shall receive USD 8 million of similar hardware. There will also be explosive ordnance disposal equipment. Ukraine will receive USD 35 million worth of equipment. Mobility and logistics units will be particularly improved. The RU backs Ukraine in its conflict against pro-Moscow rebels.As for Moldova, the Russian Army has been in the breakaway region of Transdnistria since 1991. That is because Moscow says it has been unable to withdraw its weapons from there for 30 years.The Russian Army is in the breakaway region of South Ossetia. Moscow says its soldiers are peacekeepers. The Georgian Army had been fighting against South Ossetian rebels. There are also Russian soldiers in the breakaway region of Abkhazia. Most countries still formally regard Transdnistria as part of Moldova and South Ossetia and Abkhazia as part of Georgia, but in reality it has long been clear that they function as separate zones, albeit with strong support from Russia.The three eastern European countries aspire to join NATO and the EU. Russia is against these countries' being admitted to either the EU or NATO.

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