Events of July 1: What Should We Anticipate?

PANAMA - In Brief 26 Jun 2024 by Marco Fernandez

Election of the Legislative Assembly's Directive Board Out of the 71 legislators established by the Constitution, only 70 will be present for the election of the directorate of the National Assembly (president, vice presidents, and general secretary). The candidate Zulay Rodríguez, who was defeated in her bid for President as well as for the mayorship and legislator for the populous San Miguelito District, might recover her seat through an objection trial that could favor her case. The verdict may not be available before July 1st, and if it favors Zulay, the loser of that seat would be the ruling RM party. She ran as independent. The candidate promoted by Ricardo Martinelli, Luis Camacho, to preside over the Assembly, did not receive approval from his party members (nor from political analysts and the media). The former president changed his support to Dana Castañeda, signaling a clear defeat to his intentions of legislative control, at least directly. He managed all this maneuvering from the Nicaraguan embassy, where he continues to engage in politics behind the judicial authorities' backs and in violation of international treaties. The math is simple: 36 votes are needed to form a legislative majority. The RM party has 13 votes (assuming they lose one seat due to Zulay's objection), and the PRD has 13 votes, totaling 26. The parties that allied with RM and PRD in the May elections would contribute 3 votes. At this point, the pro-government alliance (including the PRD currently in power) would have 29 votes, which is not a majority. The PRD leadership announced that the party might propose a candidate, making it difficult to reach a consensus. Our opinion is the PRD w...

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