Finland closes 4 of its 6 border crossings to Russia

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 17 Nov 2023 by Alex Teddy

On November 16 Finland announced it will close the border crossings with Russia on November 17 at midnight. The aim of keeping 2 border crossings open is to permit asylum seekers to enter. The border is over 1,000 km long.  In November 2023 there was a huge influx of people crossing the border into Finland illegally. They are mostly Yemenis, Syrians and Iraqis. When questioned by the Finnish police the illegal immigrants say that the Russian border force guided and assisted them in crossing the frontier.  Belarus used illegal immigrants in 2021 to pressure Poland and Lithuania when they were supporting the Belarusian opposition. Russia also knows that European Union countries are sensitive to the problem of illegal immigration. Turkey has also used it against the EU in the past.

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