Former German Chancellor to be put on board of Gazprom
- In Brief
09 Feb 2022
by Alex Teddy
On February 4 Gazprom put Gerhard Schroeder on its list of approved candidates for its board of directors. Schroeder is expected to replace the son-in-law of Nursultan Nazarbayev. The former President of Kazakhstan has had his wing clipped since January 2022. Many of his cronies have been demoted. Timur Kulibaev is the chair of KazEnergy. Kulibaev resigned form several posts in January 2022. Both of Nazarbayev's other sons in law lost their posts at the same time. In June 2022 the Gazprom shareholders' AGM will have a chance to agree to Schroeder's appointment. The shareholders almost always confirm the approved candidates.Schroeder has a close relationship with Putin. Schroeder has been on the board of another major Russian company. He is chairman of the shareholders' committee of Nord Stream AG.
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