G7 threatens severe sanctions if Russia does not withdraw troops from Ukrainian border
- In Brief
12 Dec 2021
by Alex Teddy
On December 11 the group of the 7 most industrialized nations issued a statement from Liverpool, UK. They called for Russia to resume diplomacy. The G7 comprises the US, Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the EU. It used to be the G8 until Russia was expelled over Crimea in 2014. The G7 is eager to underscore its unanimity. The G7 said that other democracies would also impose heavy sanctions on Russia. Note that these threats are only about de-escalation and not about invading Ukraine. If the G7 uses its hardest sanctions over failure to de-escalate then it will have nothing to add if Russia invades Ukraine. The G7 scheduled meeting needed to have an outcome to provide it with a raison d'etre. That probably explains the not-altogether-convincing tough talk. The G7 also discussed China. The group is increasingly anxious about China's building artificial islands in the South China Sea and then establishing airbases thereupon. China then claims the territorial waters. Germany is taking over the leadership of the G7 in 2022. This position rotates every year.The UK Foreign Secretary said standing up to Russia was about opposing aggression and upholding democracy.The Kremlin says the G7 is hot under the collar about nothing. There is nothing to be worried about; Russian troops deployments are solely defensive. On December 14 the highest US diplomat for Europe, Karen Donfried, is flying to Ukraine, Russia and Brussels for talks.
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