Geraldo Alckmin expected to join the PSB today, the House approved the urgent status of the bill that sets a national salary floor for nursing professionals, and the STF analyzes the cases that challenge the end of the tie-breaking vote in the Carf
As we have said before, Alckmin’s affiliation with the PSB practically confirms his alliance with former President Lula. The Lula-Alckmin ticket is expected to be announced in April. Lira has said he will give the House five weeks to try to agree on a source of funding for the national salary floor for nurses. Without this, approval of the bill itself will not be easy. There is no date for the vote on the bill. The judgment in the STF on the tie-breaking vote in the Carf is currently tied at 1-1. Minister Marco Aurélio voted for the unconstitutionality of the rule, while Luis Barroso voted in favor of the end of the tie-breaking vote while allowing the federal government to appeal to the judiciary in the event of a tie. The probability is for Barroso's vote to prevail.
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