India- Central Asia online summit

RUSSIA / FSU POLITICS - In Brief 31 Jan 2022 by Alex Teddy

On January 27 the summit took place and involved the Indian Prime Minister and the presidents of all five countries in the region. India would like to spread its influence in the region. This is partly to counter Chinese presence in Central Asia. China already has a military base in Tajikistan. Prime Minister Modi spoke of an integrated and stable extended neighborhood. He perceives India as being part of the same neighborhood. The discussions were about trade, development, transport, telecommunications and security. They spoke about Afghanistan. India is worried about Afghanistan becoming an extension of Pakistan and China. These are India's enemies. India spoke of humanitarian aid for Afghanistan. New Delhi is against recognizing the Taliban. So far no country has done so but Central Asian countries have their embassies open in Kabul. India and Central Asia agreed to work on developing an Iranian port called Chabahar. On January 25 China had an online conference with the five presidents. He vowed to give them USD 500 million by 2025 to help their economies and security. India cannot match this liberality.Russia was not represented at these conferences. Moscow likes to consider Central Asia as its patch. But India's presence would mean a diminution of China's influence. The Russo-Chinese relationship is not as cordial as the Kremlin presents it.

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