Justice Moraes asked to review the case that deals with the calculation of taxes, Lula gave an interview to CNN, and next week will be the Carnival holiday

BRAZIL POLITICS - Report 17 Feb 2023 by Murillo de Aragão and Cristiano Noronha

Supreme Federal Court (STF) Justice Alexandre de Moraes asked to review the case that deals with the exclusion of the presumed Tax on Industrialized Products (IPI) credit resulting from exports for the calculation of the PIS and Cofins taxes. President Lula had an exclusive interview with CNN. He confirmed the increase in the minimum wage to R$ 1,320 as of May 1. He also said that he will eventually grant an income tax exemption to those who earn up to R$ 5,000. Due to the Carnival holiday next week, there will be no activity in the Legislative and Judicial branches. Activity will resume the following week.

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