Land reform requirement was dropped from the IMF memorandum, anonymous source reports

UKRAINE - In Brief 03 Jul 2017 by Dmytro Boyarchuk

Breaking news arrived today. Anonymous source reported that President Poroshenko asked the IMF to drop agro-land circulation from agenda and the IMF (allegedly personally Christine Lagarde) satisfied the request. Allegedly the decision was already set. I’m quite skeptical to such news but I see influential pro-reformist groups seriously discussing the issue which means that in essence it’s not far from reality. Some MPs wrote in social media that narrow circle knew about this decision long time ago but now this info just leaked to public. What might stand behind this move? The ruling group faces the threat of growing popularity of Yulia Tymoshenko. She plays with populist slogans and already unfolded large-scale campaign against land reform. Unlike previously we see strong support to land reform in society but resistance is also high. The authorities should have guts to make this move. But elections are very close. So if the info about removal of land reform from agenda is true – we can report that election campaign have effectively started for the President.

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